As an adjunct to OmniFocus, DEVONthink 2 rewards investigation.
It is highly scriptable, and works well as a powerfully indexed repository and archive of the various kinds of files, links, and references that may be needed for each OmniFocus project.
Here is a set of four scripts which illustrate the scope for automating this interaction.
I am using them for both:
Sending to Devonthink,
Save2DevonAsTXT.scpt exports whatever is currently selected in OmniFocus (task, project, folder), as a text file, to a corresponding DEVONthink 2 project folder.
The text file is in TaskPaper format. The DT2 folder has the same path as the selected Omnifocus project or folder. This DT2 folder is automatically created, if it does not already exist.
Save2DevonAsOO3.scpt exports whatever is currently selected in OmniFocus (task, project, folder), as an OmniOutliner 3 file, to a corresponding DEVONthink 2 project folder.
The .oo3 file contains columns for task properties such as Context, Start, Due, Completed, Duration, Flagged. The OmniOutliner checkbox is set according to the OF task Done property. The DT2 folder has the same path as the selected Omnifocus project or folder. This DT2 folder is automatically created, if it does not already exist.
and fetching from Devonthink.
OpenProjFolderInDevon.scpt opens a folder, in DEVONthink 2, for the currently selected OmniFocus project. (The DT2 folder is automatically created, if it does not already exist).
OpenProjNotesInDevon.scpt opens a project notes file (stored in the matching DEVONthink 2 folder) for the selected OmniFocus project. The notes file is an Omnioutliner 3 document. (The DT2 folder and .oo3 file are automatically created, if they do not already exist).
(The latter two scripts were inspired by Jim Harrison's excellent scripts, which use the Finder rather than DEVONthink 2
A PS on DEVONthink
I was originally attracted to DEVONthink by its automatic OCR conversion of photocopy-based PDFs, and by the sheer flexibility and focus with which it can search (well beyond the scope of Spotlight) across a whole database of PDFs and other documents. (One could digress on its integration with DevonAgent, and on searches beyond the scope of Google – suffice it so say that this also rewards investigation if research is part of what you do).
As an alternative to the Finder for organizing folders and files, I particularly appreciate its contents panes, which remove much of the friction involved in seeing beyond the file name, particularly during searches.
For instructions on installing Applescripts, see:
It is highly scriptable, and works well as a powerfully indexed repository and archive of the various kinds of files, links, and references that may be needed for each OmniFocus project.
Here is a set of four scripts which illustrate the scope for automating this interaction.
I am using them for both:
Sending to Devonthink,
Save2DevonAsTXT.scpt exports whatever is currently selected in OmniFocus (task, project, folder), as a text file, to a corresponding DEVONthink 2 project folder.
The text file is in TaskPaper format. The DT2 folder has the same path as the selected Omnifocus project or folder. This DT2 folder is automatically created, if it does not already exist.
Save2DevonAsOO3.scpt exports whatever is currently selected in OmniFocus (task, project, folder), as an OmniOutliner 3 file, to a corresponding DEVONthink 2 project folder.
The .oo3 file contains columns for task properties such as Context, Start, Due, Completed, Duration, Flagged. The OmniOutliner checkbox is set according to the OF task Done property. The DT2 folder has the same path as the selected Omnifocus project or folder. This DT2 folder is automatically created, if it does not already exist.
and fetching from Devonthink.
OpenProjFolderInDevon.scpt opens a folder, in DEVONthink 2, for the currently selected OmniFocus project. (The DT2 folder is automatically created, if it does not already exist).
OpenProjNotesInDevon.scpt opens a project notes file (stored in the matching DEVONthink 2 folder) for the selected OmniFocus project. The notes file is an Omnioutliner 3 document. (The DT2 folder and .oo3 file are automatically created, if they do not already exist).
(The latter two scripts were inspired by Jim Harrison's excellent scripts, which use the Finder rather than DEVONthink 2
A PS on DEVONthink
I was originally attracted to DEVONthink by its automatic OCR conversion of photocopy-based PDFs, and by the sheer flexibility and focus with which it can search (well beyond the scope of Spotlight) across a whole database of PDFs and other documents. (One could digress on its integration with DevonAgent, and on searches beyond the scope of Google – suffice it so say that this also rewards investigation if research is part of what you do).
As an alternative to the Finder for organizing folders and files, I particularly appreciate its contents panes, which remove much of the friction involved in seeing beyond the file name, particularly during searches.
For instructions on installing Applescripts, see:
Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-11-19 at 10:40 AM..