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Notification calendar set up, alerts aren't appearing Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have followed the instructions to setup calendar notification on the iphone however still no joy. I have no problems at all following the instructions and all appears to occur as outlined. However when I check to see if there are due soon actions in my subscripted Omnifocus Reminder calender, it is always empty. I am using mobile me account. If I subscribe to the calendar on the mac, I then see these actions, but not on the iphone. Consequently I do not receive calendar notifications on the iphone.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Status update:

We don't have confirmation yet, but our working theory is that the folks that are having problems have an existing entry in the keychain for their sync server that isn't valid. (Either due to a typo, or because they changed their account name/password at some point in the past.)
Thanks for the diligent effort. I'm not quite there yet. The DueSoon.ics is on the idisk server in the documents file, and it appears in calendar I'm subscribed (had to do the manual entry in system settings that was described). But I'm not seeing anything on the calendar, and no alarms are being generated.

I've synced everything - OmniFocus on the Mac and the iPhone, and I've forced a MobileMe sync from the machine.

Is there a way to check on the duplicate/bad keychain issue? Any place I can look for logs?

Bruce &Drgardner, you guys are seeing something slightly different than the other users, so I've moved you both to a new thread, if that's okay.

Drgardner, if you've successfully subscribed and are seeing the OmniFocus Reminders calendar on the phone at all, you're not hitting the keychain issue I mentioned before.

Off the top of my head, I'd say to make sure that the actions you're both expecting to see have due dates assigned to them in OmniFocus. At that point, re-sync the phone and see if the changes have showed up in the Calendar app at that point. (It appears that the calendar app doesn't pick up the changes for a few minutes.)

If you're still not seeing the events on the calendar as you'd expect, contact the support ninjas and we'll be happy to investigate this with you.

The most helpful thing would be to send the DueSoon.ics file from your sync server to the support ninjas. Looking at that file will help us determine if the problem is that OmniFocus isn't adding events, or if the problem is caused by the calendar app not fetching the events as expected.

Last edited by Brian; 2009-07-24 at 02:24 AM.. Reason: add more info in new thread.
Thanks for the feed back.

I took a quick look at the .ics file and it seems correct. So it seems the calendar is not picking this up properly. I may strip everything out and try again before I send it to the support ninjas, just to be sure it's set up correctly - looks ok


I was able to follow all the steps, and now I have the OF calender on my phone, and events with a duetime other than 00:00 are showing up, but no alerts...


Do I have to open calender after syncing OF to get the events? Or are the events "pushed"?

I have gone through the different "howtos", but this remained unclear to me.

Thanks in advance

Wolfgang, it appears from my limited experimentation that you have to open the Calendar app at least once after the event has been synced by OmniFocus so that the Calendar has a chance to notice the new events. Assuming you make any regular use of the Calendar, this seems like an issue more for those of us testing out the new feature, or adding an alert for something today (possibly a daily repeating action), but non-repeating events entered in more usual practice would get over to the phone almost 2 weeks in advance. Probably the safe thing to do if you have a reminder for something happening soon is to launch the Calendar app after syncing OmniFocus on the iPhone and make sure you see the event. Possibly those of us using MobileMe would get this automatically updated and I just haven't waited long enough when experimenting, but for me, launching the Calendar app and verifying the presence of the reminder seems like the easiest solution, especially when using an iPod where future internet connectivity can't be safely assumed.
whpalmer, thanks for the explanation. You may be right, that this will become more usefull when you have todos lining up in the future, some days/weeks ahead.

But I still have no alerts. Strange. Synced OF, opened iCal, sow the event two hours in the future, closed everything: No alert!


Subscribe to the calendar in iCal and have a look at the events. Do they have the proper alarm settings, matching what you have in the Calendar Export section of the Settings page in OmniFocus for iPhone?

Wait, you looked in iCal or the Calendar application on the iPhone? I think you do need to open the iPhone Calendar app to get it to notice the alerts (or rebooting the iPhone might also do the trick, as pre-existing calendar notifications work normally even if you haven't launched the Calendar, which suggests they must be read at boot time, at least).

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