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connecting lines to lines Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Using Omnigraffle 3.2.4.

I'm trying to draw two lines that are perpendicular with each other - one horizontal and the other vertical. The horizontal line should terminate at the vertical line somewhere along the vertical line (i.e., NOT at either of the end points of the vertical line).

Everytime I do that, as I get close to the vertical line, the cursor drops below the horizontal line, and I have to include a 90 deg bend in the "horizontal" line and actually place its termination point some small distance "down" the vertical line. (The termination point is actuallly below the starting point.)

How can I just connect a horizontal line to a vertical line without adding this additional segment where the two "lines" actually run parallel?

I'm sorry this must be difficult to follow - I'm new to omnigraffle so there must be something about the fact that the termination point is being connected to the vertical line that is causing the endpoint to move that I don't understand. I don't have a public website on which I could post the file so it would be easier to see what is actually happening.
I managed to a get a PDF of it on my website:
I ran into the same problem/question a while back when I was trying to create some custom symbols for LAN diagramming.

So far as I was able to figure, there's no way to do it short of collapsing a rectangle down to look like a line.

I didn't really like that solution though.

FYI, I'm using the latest version of OGpro these days and connecting lines to lines is an option that's turned on (default on mine) via the Properties:Connections Tool checkbox called "Allow Connections From Lines".

Maybe there's an analagous option in your OGv3 that we both missed, or maybe time to upgrade to 4 or 4pro? :)

Good luck!
Your description (the hopping cursor) makes it sound like a "snap to grid" problem. Could that be it? Check out menu items "Arrange" -> "Grid"

Also new to OG which is why this is easy to answer -- I just fiddled with the grid the other day.
I don't think it's a snap to grid problem since the termination point that it is selecting is not at a grid point.

It has something to do with the two lines being connected. If I create a line and move it into location unconnected to the second line, this doesn't happen.

I tried downloading version 4 (didn't purchase it yet - want to see if it's going to solve my problem), but it opens my existing files as read-only. Am I really not able to edit files created in version using version 4?

I did manage to get two lines the way I want them in version 4, but so far it's been a trial and error process. Sometimes I can get it to work and other times I can't - I haven't figured out what I'm doing differently when it doesn't work.
If you are not licensed, diagrams that have more than 20 items are opened read-only (so that the unlicensed app can be used as a reader for everyone).

For evaluation purposes, please request a trial license (there is also a link on the download page).
I also have problems connecting lines the way I want them;
OmniGraffle always lets lines end where I don't want them, etc. (see the "Join lines..") thread posted a few days earlier.

I'd just wish the Omni staff would be a bit more helpful in the forums..

Or the documentation more exhaustive.

Right now I don't see the point in updating to the current version when it doesn't work any better for me. I'm sure I'm missing something when drawing lines, but then I can't afford spending days figuring it out all by myself...

I'm sorry I don't have all the answers for you but I don't work on OmniGraffle--I was merely trying to answer the things I did know about the licensing.

As far as connecting lines to lines--I was hoping someone more knowledgable would jump in but I will try to help as I can.

juliabell: The image you showed looks like you have connected an orthogonal line to another line at a point that is below the horizontal. What may help you is to turn off orthogonality on the line with the bend and then moving the end point. What you may not realize is that the end point where the line connects to the other line is at a fixed percentage of the distance between the two objects on the first line, not at the intersection of the horizontal and the vertical. You might try creating a simple graph with 3 objects and 2 lines that are not orthogonal and playing with them to get a feel for how the points move--this should help you understand how things work when you turn orthogonality back on.

macrailsoft: I'm sorry you haven't received more help. However our primary mechanism for support is email--and currently 3 out of 5 of our support staff is sick, so the others are so busy covering support emails that they don't have time to answer all the questions in the forums as well. Additionally, all our engineers are at the Apple World-Wide Developers Conference.

Our goal with the forums was to create a community of users that could help each other out and share insights and ideas--while our support ninjas and our engineers would like to answer questions in the forums, it is not our top priority. If you need immediate support, send email--our goal is to answer within 1 business day (if I recall correctly).


Leonard Case
OmniWeb team lead
Upgrading to version 4 standard solved my problem. I'm now able to draw the lines where I want them without it trying to add in additional "bends".
Thanks, Len.
I'll contact the support ninjas!


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