I've been looking for a simple way to have notifications for common recurring actions, such as paying credit cards, bills, etc.
The manual covers repeating tasks fairly well, and I've read the recently active thread on complicated recurring actions:
as well as the FAQ:
and the iPhone sticky tread:
And the manual which refers to syncing to iCal via contexts, but none of those answers the simple question:
"Given a repeating task (such as 'pay credit card bill'), how do I get iCal to give me a reminder?"
I don't have projects or contexts associated with simple repeating tasks that need to be done every week/month/quarter. To me, 'call for air-con service' doesn't warrant a project to be done every quarter, though it might a 'phone' context. The problem I see in syncing my @phone context to iCal would be that I don't want every @phone to give me a reminder.
How are people scheduling actions & reminders for the simple, week-to-week & month-to-month actions? At the moment I put them directly into iCal, but then they don't appear as actions in OF.
- Steve
The manual covers repeating tasks fairly well, and I've read the recently active thread on complicated recurring actions:
as well as the FAQ:
and the iPhone sticky tread:
And the manual which refers to syncing to iCal via contexts, but none of those answers the simple question:
"Given a repeating task (such as 'pay credit card bill'), how do I get iCal to give me a reminder?"
I don't have projects or contexts associated with simple repeating tasks that need to be done every week/month/quarter. To me, 'call for air-con service' doesn't warrant a project to be done every quarter, though it might a 'phone' context. The problem I see in syncing my @phone context to iCal would be that I don't want every @phone to give me a reminder.
How are people scheduling actions & reminders for the simple, week-to-week & month-to-month actions? At the moment I put them directly into iCal, but then they don't appear as actions in OF.
- Steve