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just bought iphone app crashes on start up Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi I've just bought the iphone app and synced it with my desktop database.

I started it up had a look around changed the setting for perspectives to true and when I closed out it said optimizing database but seemed to be frozen. Now when it starts up it just says optimizing database and quits straight away.

I really love OF for the desktop I'm hoping that it works ok for the iphone too.



Edit: sorry forgot to mention that I'm using 1.7 on iOS4 on a 3GS

Last edited by BillHicks; 2010-06-27 at 12:31 PM..
Ok, I did manage to fix it. I deleted the app from iTunes but put it in the trash when the dialogue asks you. Then I synced the iphone. Then I reinstalled the app (after dragging it from the trash to my desktop) then I resynced. It seems to work correctly now.

Just a word of warning and this may be my inexperience with apps from iTunes but there is a thread on here that recommends you download the app again from iTunes. It says there is no charge but I didn't get that far because it warned me that I would be charged. Glad I kept the original file!
Originally Posted by BillHicks View Post
Just a word of warning and this may be my inexperience with apps from iTunes but there is a thread on here that recommends you download the app again from iTunes. It says there is no charge but I didn't get that far because it warned me that I would be charged. Glad I kept the original file!
If you are signed into the same iTunes store account as when you purchased the app the first time, you will not be charged again. The iTunes store keeps track of everything you have purchased. If by some happenstance you do get charged, you should be able to get the charge removed if you've still got the email receipt for the purchases.
I found a little trick on the iPhone / iPad to help you tell if you've already bought an app: Tap on "write a review." If you haven't bought the app, it will refuse to let you start writing a review. If you have bought the app, it will open up the review editor. Click "cancel" and then you can "re-buy" the app with the confidence that it will not charge you.
I have a similar trick. Click on Add to Wishlist. If you have purchased the item, you can't put it on your wishlist.

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