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Wait for the new iPod Touch? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi All

I've been using OF desktop for a few months and am very happy with it.

I have no need for an iPhone (my BBerry Bold works fine, is paid for, and has a couple of years' life left in it :) )

So - I'm looking at buying an 8GB iPod Touch purely to:
- run OF when I'm away from my desk
- run a time tracking app called TimeLog
- make use of the notes feature (much better than the BBerry equivalent)
- and I might even listen to music in the car etc etc! ;)

Question: Given my limited uses for an iPod Touch, do folks see any advantage in my waiting until the new version comes out with its improved screen etc, or can I safely save a few pennies by getting the current version?


If you're willing to wait, you might be able to pick up the current model really cheap when new models are available. That would also let you compare the two first hand.

Hi Curt - the thought had crossed my mind - in my part of the world (rural east of England) I'm unlikely to get a look at the two side-by-side
At least you'd be able to compare specifications, and perhaps hear some comparisons from others. On the other hand, if you spend a lot of time away from the desk and having your OF data with you is essential, buying a refurb 8 GB model now from Apple might be the way to go. In the US store they are selling for $149 at the moment. For your proposed list of uses, the new display may not be a big win (and we don't know when or how much for the new model). I haven't seen OmniFocus on an iPhone 4, so I can't speak from personal experience as to whether the new screen makes a big difference there. I certainly don't loathe looking at my iPod...
If I remember correctly, the 8 GB iPod touch is not actually a 3rd generation machine. Only the 32 GB and 64 GB models are. The 8 GB model being sold now is from the 2G line and marketed as an entry-level unit. So if you install iOS 4, you won't get multitasking and other features that will work only on the 3rd generation machines. The only enhancement you will get will be folders if you buy the 8 GB model. It would be better to get the 32 GB model at the very least if you want to enjoy the new iOS 4 features.

But September is just around the corner and it would be exciting to see what comes out....
Thanks to all three of you - good stuff to think about.

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