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one click / right click email Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I use the +omnifocus with Mail as well as clipping /right-click Send to Inbox. This is great and for a dinosaur like me who has lived and died by email for going on two decades email remains the center of my Universe despite GTD and all of the useful and not so useful communications methods. My wife even knows that the best way to get through to me is via email...

But was wondering if there is any way that I could modify the right click Send to inbox where it just goes right to inbox without me having to set the project/context and hit the save button?

I know it sounds lazy but I manage a lot of projects and literally receive hundreds of emails/day minimum - not counting lists and such. So I try to minimize all repetitive steps and little things like this make a difference for me.

And specific to the "Focus" in OmniFocus and the GTD process this would allow me to get things quickly in my inbox without much processing power (mental) and not lose focus on why I was checking my email in the first place.

It would be great for me at least if I scan a message and could just right click on the title or some highlighted text, send to Omnifocus. Then later when I'm in Omnifocus I could organize everything that I sent at one time rather than individually. This would be useful GTD for some of us...
I don't have the mail rule set up on my Mac, but I *believe* it respects the "Copy Clippings to" setting in the Clippings pane of OmniFocus' preferences. If you have that set to "Quick Entry", changing that to "Inbox" should do what it sounds like you're after.
yup - thanks! the little things...

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