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The "inbox" and "quick entry" buttons really annoy me! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey Omnigroup,
For the record, I use the Mac, iphone, and iPad versions of Omnifocus, so to preempt any of those who will call me a "whiner" for posting this, I've paid a lot of money to the omnigroup, and simply want them to make their OF for ipad product a little more visually appealing.

This part of the UI annoys me:

1) Either use symbols, or text, or both. But keep it consistent! If the right button says Inbox, the left should say "New item" or something.
2) the two icons should be on the same level, the bottom pixels should line up.
3) These icons are so generic and ugly.

IDK, I just wish the OF for iPad version looked nicer, like the app: "A stunning To Do list." I only use this app because it syncs up with my iphone and desktop, but it really isn't very polished looking.
The missing pic in your post annoys me :p

Why don't you upload it to instead of tying up space on your MobileMe disk?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
The missing pic in your post annoys me :p

Why don't you upload it to instead of tying up space on your MobileMe disk?
Bill, you're assuming the little blue icon with a white interrogation mark stands for a missing picture, perhaps it's what doodiebrad is getting at? That would annoy me too! [never mind, just procrastinating instead of studying for the next exam...]
Originally Posted by hypotyposis View Post
Bill, you're assuming the little blue icon with a white interrogation mark stands for a missing picture, perhaps it's what doodiebrad is getting at? That would annoy me too! [never mind, just procrastinating instead of studying for the next exam...]
Nah, if you look at the page source, there's a link to a MobileMe image gallery there, so I think he did want to show us something, and it probably works fine from his browser, just not anyone else's.
Unless I read his post wrong, I think he's referring to the two icons you see when you hit the Omnifocus button in the upper left: the New Item icon (a pencil over a square, with no text), and the Inbox icon ( a yellow square with text over it). The bottom of the Inbox icon's square is lower than the New Item icon's square.

Yes, it seems a little odd to have one with text and one without, but I must confess it doesn't bother me a whole lot. And to say that OF's look isn't "polished" has me scratching my head. I think it's one of the slickest-looking apps anywhere.
I sort of agree but its not a big deal until you sort out a consistent look & functionality - as much as possible - between all platforms.

OmniFocus looks ok & performs ok on all platforms it just doesnt look or perform as good as a Mac OS or iOS app should do.

Im a recent OmniF convert and i cannot deny the app is good but i would love it if more attention would be paid to the UI - for next release.

iPhone version - looks clean and i only wish the way action details are entered were more polished. Plus want perspectives, forecast and review functions.

iPad - needs alot of refining. Its not ugly but its def not pretty either. It's a borderline dated look.

Mac - very dated! Only on trial at the moment. Even though it works well I wouldnt buy it the way it looks now (+price).
I don't want to comment on the subjective comments, as I have no problem with the way it looks, but I am curious about the mention of the icons not lining up. On my interface, the icons do line up, top and bottom. I even eyeballed it with a piece of paper.

Am I missing something on this?
The big icons line up, but the graphics inside them (the check box on the left, and the box containing the inbox action count on the right) do not.
The icons do line up - it's the yellow squares inside the icons that he has a problem with: the yellow square on the left with the pencil across it, and the yellow square on the right that shows the number of items in the InBox (if there are no items in the In Box, you don't get the square).
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
The missing pic in your post annoys me :p

Why don't you upload it to instead of tying up space on your MobileMe disk?

Sorry, this was the image I originally intended to post. Oh come on, this doesn't look good! And it is constantly in your face.

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