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tasks will not complete Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Today I ran across a problem with OmniFpocus for iPhone I never had before. I have a recurring tasks for items I usually purchase at the grocery store. Today while I was in the store, I tried to check off the items and they would not go away. In order to make them go away I had to actually delete them. When I got home everything synced with the Mac and when I tried to change the daye on some other tasks, I could change the date, but they keep showing as past due, when the due date is in the future. Until today OmniFocus worked great on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone. For the prices I paid for all three programs I should not be experiencing these issues at all.

I do have the latest versions of all three and I am running the latest version of Mac OSX Snow Leopard.
The program is almost certainly working correctly. Are these repeating actions? It's possible to set up repeats which will make an identical copy immediately appear when you check off the previous one. It looks just like an action you can't complete, unless you look at the completed actions and notice that you've got a lot more of them than expected.

Also, OmniFocus ignores the due date on an action if it is contained in an action group or project with a more restrictive due date, and uses the more restrictive one. For example, if you make a project called "File Federal income tax return" and put a due date of April 15 on it, you can set the due date on an action in that project to April 20, but once April 16 rolls around, OmniFocus will show that action in red, because it treats everything on the project as being due on April 15 at the latest.

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