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Esc shortcut to edit tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In previous versions I could use the ESC key to go in and out of editing a task which has now been replaced with spellcheck when editing a task.

What is the new shortcut for the same action and/or how can i change this back to function the same way as this was very useful for updating the tasks without having to use the mouse.
Yes, as you observed, esc key became the system default shortcut for spelling correction. We therefore moved the key behavior you are missing to the "enter" key. Note that that's not the same as the "return" key. It is, however, the same as fn-return.

We think it's best to leave it that way, but if you disagree, drop intro a terminal window and execute this command:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniPlan OOShouldToggleEditingWithEscapeKey -bool true
Then relaunch OmniPlan.
Thanks Tom.

I tried to change the settings as the ESC is easier given it is a single keystroke however it did not work.

I checked the setting was applied (see attachment) and even restarted my PC without success.

Any suggestions?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2011-08-29 at 17.43.33 .png
Views:	845
Size:	11.9 KB
ID:	2000  
My bad. I gave you the old defaults domain for OmniPlan 1.x.

Try this one:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniPlan2 OOShouldToggleEditingWithEscapeKey -bool true
That "2" is kinda important, sorry!

Thanks Tom - that worked. Much appreciated.
When I open the keyboard shortcuts reference from the Help menu in OmniPlan 2 it still states that Esc toggles editing the selected row.

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