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Quick way to insert new task between dependent tasks? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I searched the forum but was unable to find an answer. Is there a quick, easy way to add a task "in-line" within a string of connected tasks? Or do you have to create the task, set the dependencies before and after it, disconnect the old ones, etc.? Thanks for any help.
No quick way to do this, you'll need to disconnect and reconnect the tasks with the new task in the middle.
I am new at Apple and my first job is to have a effective project plan and keep updating this with new task.
I have many task and I need to add 12 more in the middle of other task that have prerequisites and dependencies.
What's the best steps to follow?
Marjorie Morales
i was about to ask the same question re inserting tasks 'inline'. its a bit of a hassle to disconnect and reconnect tasks just because you need to add something between two tasks.

any chance of adding this in the future?
If you're talking about the usual Finish-Start connections, you can do all the hookups pretty easily by selecting the task before, the new tasks, and the task after, then hitting the Connection button. This will make a series of Finish-Start connections in the order they appear in the document.

Originally Posted by clayc View Post
any chance of adding this in the future?
Microsoft Project does this and it infuriates me. If it does get implemented, can we please only get it as an option? I like having control over the links in my project.
Hi, I also search all but there is not short way.

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