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creating outline by extracting annotations from PDF Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi, I use Adobe Acrobat Pro X to do my annotations on PDFs, I'm a researcher and have to go through a lot of documents(books and papers). My previous workflow was to have the paper open and take notes in omnioutliner, but I've found it more convenient and much faster to take notes in the PDF document itself. I would however, like a brief document, preferably in outline form that has what I thought was important in the paper, e.g. my annotations.

I can probably write an apple script to do this, but was wondering if anyone already has a working solution.
You can collect note texts indented under page numbers from the currently open Acrobat document with something like this.

set str to ""
tell application id "CARO"
	tell front document
		set str to name & return
		repeat with oPage in pages
			tell oPage
				set str to (str & tab & "Page " & (page number) as string) & return
				repeat with oNote in annotations
					tell oNote
							set str to str & tab & tab & contents & return
						end try
					end tell
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell
set the clipboard to str
If you then select a bullet (rather than text field) in OO3, and paste, it should preserve the simple page indentation.


Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-01-24 at 02:42 PM.. Reason: typo in code
Hi Rob:

Is there any way to do this from an iBook document?

Not something I have looked at ... (wasn't even aware of an OS X iBook application - not really a big user of iStuff generally :-)

Good luck !

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