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Keep project visible even if no "actions"? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I use OF in a law office. I create my case files as "Projects," and then assign actions. Is there a way to keep all projects visible even if there are no pending actions? I've noticed that when I complete the last or only action on a list, the project gets marked as "completed" and then doesn't show up in the project list anymore.
Originally Posted by dcwinton View Post
I use OF in a law office. I create my case files as "Projects," and then assign actions. Is there a way to keep all projects visible even if there are no pending actions? I've noticed that when I complete the last or only action on a list, the project gets marked as "completed" and then doesn't show up in the project list anymore.
This is a setting that exists on a per-project basis. Click the project and then bring up the inspector and uncheck "mark project as complete when completing last item." Do it for each project.

You'll probably want to change this default for new projects as well. In preferences->Data, down near the bottom, uncheck the "When completing the last item…" checkbox. Note this won't affect projects that have already been created with the old setting, hence a bit of tedium.
Thank you!
Happy to help.

Note it's common to have a mix of projects of this type… some you want to complete when you're done with the last item, and some you want to keep open longer. OmniFocus has the flexibility to do both… it just has lots of options so there's a bit of a learning curve, as you'll find ;-)

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