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Resource management as a project or context Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm only one week into using omnifocus, but used it to "deliver" my daughters party project without forgetting anything and not being up til silly hours fretting whether I had!

I've started to put in some work based projects and actions, but I am struggling particularly on one thing at the moment.
I do project management and resource management amongst other things, and will often get a vague email requesting someone and I need to determine the who, what and book the when myself. Determining the who and what relies heavily on others for input, technically, financially, etc and I need to make sure I know where these emails/phone calls have got to.

I set up a resource management context as this isn't a project, but a job role effectively, but I'd like to keep track of when I'm waiting on key people as I have weekly reviews with them (heads of two teams ), so I also have waiting on contexts for these key people.

My bother is that I now have a truckload of tasks with no project, as they are mostly single actions. Should I be bothered by this? Should I set up a resource management project even though it's a project I can effectively never deliver?

Any ideas for a newbie to both GTD and omnifocus would be appreciated (and sorry if this is a little long winded!)
I think your concern about the truckload of tasks is good, as is your idea for collecting them.

I use a single action list* for this purpose.It's a collection of loosely related tasks, but there's no single goal which will be accomplished when all the tasks are done.

*Create a project and then change its type to the blue "shoebox" icon.
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
I think your concern about the truckload of tasks is good, as is your idea for collecting them.

I use a single action list* for this purpose.It's a collection of loosely related tasks, but there's no single goal which will be accomplished when all the tasks are done.

*Create a project and then change its type to the blue "shoebox" icon.
Thanks lizard, I'm using the iPad version so have set up a couple of single action tasks.

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