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How to get iPad OmniGraffle onto Mac? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have an OG sync server account. I create a document on my iPad in Omni Graffle Professional, Export, Sync Server, but then I have to log into my sync server account on the Web, jump through hoops to find the non-GUI file hierarchy, and then download the file before I can open it in OmniGraffle Professional on my Mac.

This seems like a LOT of steps.

Isn't there a File, Open, Sync Server option on the Mac for OmniGraffle Professional to make this easier?
Yes, it's called the Mac OS X Finder.

Mount your OSS volume on your desktop with the Finder's Go->Connect to Server... command, with the volume being https://sync<n><OSSusername>/

You can set this up as a Login item so it happens automatically.

It may take some experimentation to find the correct number to use for <n> in the URL: start with 1 and go up. I suggested to Omni that it would be useful to actually provide this nugget of info on the OSS account info page, but that idea was dismissed in favor of forcing you to contact the support ninjas.
Thank you! I suppose it will all be moot by next summer, when they have the server running for syncing all the programs.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
with the volume being https://sync<n><OSSusername>/
This is unnecessary for folks on 10.7 or later - this is a workaround for a bug in earlier versions of the Finder. Connect to instead.
What Brian means to say is that if you have 10.7 or later, the URL to use is<OSSusername>/
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
It may take some experimentation to find the correct number to use for <n> in the URL: start with 1 and go up.
No experimentation is required: just go to in your web browser (such as the one you're using right now) and it will automatically redirect you to the final URL.

(Ideally, you should never need that URL, because everything should handle that redirect properly just like your browser does. But some software doesn't, which is why you might need to look it up in a browser using the above technique and copy and paste the final URL instead.)
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
No experimentation is required: just go to in your web browser (such as the one you're using right now) and it will automatically redirect you to the final URL.

(Ideally, you should never need that URL, because everything should handle that redirect properly just like your browser does. But some software doesn't, which is why you might need to look it up in a browser using the above technique and copy and paste the final URL instead.)
Thanks, that helped me connect using Transmit's WebDAV protocol.

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