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Crooked connectors Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When making a diagram in OGraffle for iPad the connectors often gets extra points on their path making them really messy.

If I connect a bunch of shapes with magnetic sides with straight connectors there should be no twists or turns on these connectors. If I toggle back and forth between the different diagram styles I soon get a bunch of extra points on the straight connectors so they now are very difficult to control.

Can this be true?
What do you mean by toggling back and forth between the different diagram styles?

I was unable to reproduce this behavior from your description, probably meaning we are doing different things, not suggesting that you aren't experiencing a problem. Perhaps posting a screen capture would help.

If you do have unwanted points on a line, tap and hold on them to bring up the Delete popup to remove them. I suspect you are accidentally adding midpoints by double tapping the lines in drawing mode.

I have made a lot of magnetic shapes and connected them with STRAIGHT connectors.

When trying out different Diagram layouts, the straight lines get more points.

I know how to remove the points, but I dont want them to suddentky occur.
Now I have the trial of the desktop version, and to some extend the same midpoints occur here.

See a video showing the midpoint occur, disapear, occur again, beeing removed... and the rise from the dead... again...

See the .MOV video
If you want the connections to be straight, why are you using curved lines? That's the problem, I think. I made a diagram similar to yours, using curved lines, and got the behavior you don't want. I then changed the line type to be straight lines, fiddled with the auto-layout properties, and did not get any undesired midpoints.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
If you want the connections to be straight, why are you using curved lines? That's the problem, I think. I made a diagram similar to yours, using curved lines, and got the behavior you don't want. I then changed the line type to be straight lines, fiddled with the auto-layout properties, and did not get any undesired midpoints.
Thanks for trying it out.

See my video of another test file. Here I reproduce the problem after showing that the straight connectors is selected.
Send in a bug report to, and include your movie demonstrating how to trigger the problem. I can't recall the last time I saw them fix an auto-layout bug, so you might have a bit of a wait...
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Send in a bug report to, and include your movie demonstrating how to trigger the problem. I can't recall the last time I saw them fix an auto-layout bug, so you might have a bit of a wait...
Already done.

They asked for the original file and got it. Now I am waiting.

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