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Evernote -> Omnifocus Automation Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have looked at IFTTT and then searched here and didn't find anything that I could use to do what I want to do.

My quest is to send a note to my Evernote inbox and then based on some sort of keyword or something, have the note sent to Omnifocus and then have the link back to the note in the comments field. I would like to do this automatically.

The reason being is that I can only use Windows at work to process my email messages. I would like to be able to forward those messages to Evernote and then do what I describe above. Or, is there an easy way to do this by going the other direction by emailing the message to Omnifocus via maildrop and then have the process occur on Evernote?

What do the Omnifocus gurus have to say. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Check out this post by Michael Schechter here:

It links to some scripts/workflow that collectively will make it happen.

You need to have Hazel though. If you don't (yet) have Hazel then go get a trial copy, it is well worth the investment and is definitely a 'must have' tool for the mac.
Thanks for the pointer Philrob...

I read through the link that you posted (and one that I have in Evernote!). I think it would help if I explained a little about my situation.

I am on Windows at work. Primarily I use the machine to access email as I have my MacBook on the same desk connecting through an open wifi nearby (not on my Co. network).

What I would like to do is to be able to forward emails to Evernote with some keywords in the title that would then be scanned on the Mac (automatically - time based trigger) and then create corresponding actions in my inbox. Ideally I would like to add contexts automatically via keywords in the Evernote title. Scrub the keywords from the title in Evernote and then re-synch with Evernote.

When I read the blog post you linked to I don't know if it is an apples to apples (no pun intended) comparison. It looks as though he is driving everything through his Mac from start to finish???

I will re-read it again and see if I can hack it a bit if need be. I am not an AppleScript expert. I am kind of intimidated honestly. Let me see what I can do.
If you have dropbox, you might be able to use and IFTTT recipe to e-mail the info to a particular dropbox folder, which would then trigger either a hazel action or folder action that triggers and applescript.

The IFTTT recipe would be platform agnostic, although it might require a web-based e-mail provider like gmail, so don't know if that would be a non-starter on your corporate network.
I don't think that's possible in a straightforward way. What kingsinger suggests might work. Although it's a hack and would require a lot of testing and fiddling with IFTTT and Hazel.

What you could do, although it's not exactly what you want, is forward the email to both Evernote and OmniFocus (assuming you're using OmniSyncServer) and have it appear on both. They won't be linked unfortunately, but the email will appear on both systems. In Evernote as a note and in OF as a task. The subject would need to be clear for what you want.

I wrote a bit about how I use them together here, but it's all using a Mac so probably not too much help.
Take a look at this:

It has ability to send the task based on the ToDo Items to Evernote.

So at work you would take Emails to Evernote, you would then add a Task to them if any are needed, and then add a tag. It would clone to OmniFocus on your mac.

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