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Please help for a script (Automatically repetitive actions) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm writing this post because I need help for a script to make actions automatically repetitive when added to a specific project.

Here's a precise explanation :
In Omnifocus, I have a folder called "Routine Maintenance" in which there are single action projects for daily, weekly, monthly, etc maintenance actions (see image please).

My goal is when adding an action via quick entry in Omnifocus to one of those projects, the action becomes automatically repetitive with the same frequency according to the name of the single action project in which it's added.

Can I do that through a script ?
Great thanks in advance for your time.

Wonderful software & wonderful forum !!
I remain at your disposal for further details if necessary
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Maintenance.jpg
Views:	3665
Size:	13.0 KB
ID:	2983  
OmniFocus does not support triggered scripts, like 'when an action is added to this project'.

You would need to write a script that modifies the actions, and then use launchd or something to set that script up to run periodically.
Thanks Lizard for your reply,

I was recently taken by the test of Omnifocus 2 because I was one of the lucky beta testers.

Now that OF2 is becoming more stable, I would like to design the script to be able to adapt it to OF2.

I also understand how to create a launchd (see this link: By contrast, I have no knowledge about apple scripting in order to design the script for the action automatically becomes repetitive. Can you help me in designing the script?

Thanks in advance for your time and for your help.

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