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Hi folks. I've been a longtime user of OmniFocus but I fell off the bandwagon a few months ago and am trying to climb back on.

My thought is that it might make sense for me to start from scratch with an empty OmniFocus database. Ideally, I'd like to drag and drop some items from my old database to my new, clean one—just the things I want to keep.

Is there an ideal use case for this kind of thing?

Thanks for any advice

— Robert
I just did about the same thing when I transferred to my new desktop. I avoided Migration Assistant, did a clean install, and regenerated from scratch. You might want to name your old database differently just to keep the oversight clear when you have the old and new opened at the same time.
Originally Posted by DrJJWMac View Post
I just did about the same thing when I transferred to my new desktop. I avoided Migration Assistant, did a clean install, and regenerated from scratch. You might want to name your old database differently just to keep the oversight clear when you have the old and new opened at the same time.
Appreciate the response. Stupid question, I know, but it's not immediately apparent to me how to open two instances of OmniFocus or open one instance with multiple databases open.
I declared "task bankruptcy" a few months ago. I dragged everything into a single project and context, went through it to drag out what I wanted, deleted the rest, and probably compacted the database. Not quite what you're wanting, but it worked.
Originally Posted by rdr View Post
Appreciate the response. Stupid question, I know, but it's not immediately apparent to me how to open two instances of OmniFocus or open one instance with multiple databases open.
* Create a folder somewhere called Old OmniFocus
* Get hold of your existing files and COPY them to that folder. The base is ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus

--> most recent database: OmniFocus.ofocus
--> most recent archive: OmniFocus.ofocus-archive

* Put those files in to a ZIP archive and/or do a TimeMachine backup before you do anything further
* Rename the old files (as OmniFocus_old.ofocus and OmniFocus_old.ofocus-archive)
* Quit OmniFocus
* Delete all files in ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus
* Open OmniFocus. This will generate a blank database with no archive.

To recall things from your old database or archive, just double click on respective file.
Originally Posted by Gardener View Post
I declared "task bankruptcy" a few months ago.
LOL, thanks for the advice.

— Robert

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