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AppleScript Requests Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
We've had a few requests for some scripts over here that we'd like to do, but haven't had a chance. If anyone out there finds themselves with a spare moment and feel so inclined to help out their fellow user, we'd really appreciate it!

Here's the list so far (more to come):
  • A script to parse out TODOs from TextMate and send them to OF.
  • Integration with MailTags.
  • A script to create Mail messages from actions.
  • A Now Up-To-Date to OF and vice versa script.
  • Integration with Entourage
  • Export to Pages, Microsoft Word, and Evernote

Last edited by kaebot; 2008-04-16 at 01:20 PM..
I would love to be able to truly decide what I will be doing now from Omnifocus. An ideal way would be to select an action and run a script that launches Minuteur counting down from the estimated time necessary to complete the task.
I'm not sure this addresses the request, but you can create an AppleScript and put it in the OmniFocus scripts directory and finally configure OmniFocus's toolbar to have the script (alternatively you can use something like FastScripts or Quicksilver to activate it from the keyboard).
I'd like it if I had a list, (as might come from an email)
1. Please do this
2. Please do that
3. Oh, and this other thing.

I'd like to select the list, hit a button and have three new actions created.
Omni has stated that email capture is on their list for 1.0 release ..
I think what you'll see is one action generated from each email .
Hi; thanks. I'm using a script now to get an email into OF. But I wanted to break them out when the client includes multiple requests in a single email.

A script was posted that works just fine for my needs.
My phone (Nokia) exports notes (via Bluetooth) as individual text files, so I'd appreciate a way to import each text file as an action...
I'll take on the Entourage integration. I worked up a set of scripts that glued Entourage with OOP a while back. But I'd love to hard-wire this into a cocoa plug-in for OmniFocus!

Do we know if there'll be an OF API available, or is it all AppleScript? If Sync Services is fully supported, this may be a relatively easy fix!
I'm a happy user of Curt Clifton's "What am I doing?" script. I wonder if someone with some scripting skills could alter it so that it could be invoked when multiple actions are selected. I'd love to be able to go through a list adding to the selections, then with one invocation of the script launch separate sticky Growl windows for each of them.

(Original script appears here.)
Already exists, but I would love to see it more formalized:
* Export/Import to/from OmniOutliner
Then add:
* Create mindmanager mindmap from OF
* Create folder for project
The "big" one that would really be cool!
* Create directory structure that mimics folder structure with projects for "Project Support Materials" that map to your project structure in OF! Then create an alias in each project notes section to map to the relevant folder.

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