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Timeline tool Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would like to find a timeline template/tool, that would allow me to specify the bounds of the timeline, and have it show the bounds and graduations along the line (in years, months, days, depending on the extents of the line). I want to attach boxes to the timeline with connector lines, that represent tasks, and indicate when they will be completed by their intersection with the timeline. For example, there are such templates in Visio.
Originally Posted by dfclark View Post
I would like to find a timeline template/tool, that would allow me to specify the bounds of the timeline, and have it show the bounds and graduations along the line (in years, months, days, depending on the extents of the line). I want to attach boxes to the timeline with connector lines, that represent tasks, and indicate when they will be completed by their intersection with the timeline. For example, there are such templates in Visio.
The only tool I know of when we are talking about OmniGraffle is the script found at and downloadable at

I'm not sure if this would help you or not, but I hope it will.
Timeline would be a killer feature for sure. I know this would be useful to law firms and police departments. Even for business's documenting certain events that need to be recorded for future references.
I know of Windows software that does this: TimelineMaker Professional and TimeMap. You're completely on point that timeline functionality would be great for law firms and consultants (such as myself) who work in the legal fiels. Being someone who prefers to use the Mac OS X part of my Macbook Pro (as opposed to apps installed my Vista VM), I'd really like OminGraffle to add this functionality. I'm sure Omni could make it more intuitive and easier to use than the other products out there.
If the script is not doing it for you, and you need something now, then maybe the following will be adequate:

Btw, I have no idea how good that software is - I saw it on the MacUpdate Promo page a few weeks ago, but didn't download it as I don't need the functionality.


Again, I have no experience using it.
My Windows colleagues also frequently use the Gantt stuff in Visio to product gantt-type timelines. Is there any OmniGraffle options for this?
Agreed - there are timeline tools for the Mac and OmniPlan (amongst others) deals with Project Management.

But - I need to create a timelines vis-à-vis the current Visio implementation on regular basis for conceptual illustration.

My druther would be to work in a single graphics program (I can do it all in Visio) on the Mac platform, and OmniGraffle Pro is the strongest contender so far. With a little bit of work, well -- it would be nice.

I realize you'll work on new features that appeal to the broadest market first, this is a business reality. But if you've got a creative programmer with a little time on his hands - you might find having the ability to deliver this functionality opens other doors and additional markets.
Add my vote for timeline functionality. I was hoping to see this in the latest release and was disappointed.
Another huge vote in favour of a quick and easy timeline functionality...
+1, this was really easy to do in Visio. I don't like doing it but the easiest way to achieve the timeline I need today is probably to start up my dusty old vmWare image.

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