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MailAction.applescript doesn't create anything in OF Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have set up the script using the menu option in OF 94644. The subject delimiter is set to 'do:'.

When I receive mails with this subject on my GMail (IMAP) account, the rule moves the messages to the trash at GMail. However, nothing is created in OF.

Has anybody got an idea what I'm doing wrong?

I'm running OS X 10.5.1 (German).
A bunch of the implementation of the Mail rule got cleaned up and reworked last night -- please give this a try in r94692 or later and see how that goes. You'll probably want to go into OmniFocus' Mail preferences, disable the rule and then reenable and configure it.
CTO, The Omni Group
Thanks, it works now.

I noticed that the body of my mail didn't get appended as a note but that might be due to general Outlook weirdness (I'm using Outlook at work to mail todos back home).

The task got added including the prefix defined in Mail preferences. I did not expect this. Is this a bug or a feature? I'd prefer it if OF stripped it but maybe that's just me.
What is this MailACtion thing? I tried to use it and it did nothing. Do I need special software or something?
Mail Actions are a set of Mail rules that OmniFocus can put into Apple Mail for you, so that, for example, any email you receive which starts with "--" will be copied over to OmniFocus as a new task in your inbox. That way, all you need to add an item to your inbox is a way to send email -- from work, from your iPhone, from a friend's computer...
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Mail Actions are a set of Mail rules that OmniFocus can put into Apple Mail for you, so that, for example, any email you receive which starts with "--" will be copied over to OmniFocus as a new task in your inbox. That way, all you need to add an item to your inbox is a way to send email -- from work, from your iPhone, from a friend's computer...
That worked. OF opened. The email showed up in the inbox. The email was sent to trash. However, mail "unexpectedly closed." Is that a bug? Happens every time I try it.
Originally Posted by Dalmet View Post
Thanks, it works now.

I noticed that the body of my mail didn't get appended as a note but that might be due to general Outlook weirdness (I'm using Outlook at work to mail todos back home).

The task got added including the prefix defined in Mail preferences. I did not expect this. Is this a bug or a feature? I'd prefer it if OF stripped it but maybe that's just me.
Both of these sound like bugs; please make sure to report this via Send Feedback along with details about how you've configured the rule and if possible an example message that isn't working as expected for you.
CTO, The Omni Group
Originally Posted by dhm2006 View Post
That worked. OF opened. The email showed up in the inbox. The email was sent to trash. However, mail "unexpectedly closed." Is that a bug? Happens every time I try it.
The Mail crash is a problem with their support for 'duplicate' in AppleScript. We switch stuff up in the Mail support again recently to avoid this, so make sure you have the latest build, turn off Mail support in our pref pane and turn it back on again, and you should have the version of the Mail rule that avoids crashing Mail.
CTO, The Omni Group
Originally Posted by Tim Wood View Post
The Mail crash is a problem with their support for 'duplicate' in AppleScript. We switch stuff up in the Mail support again recently to avoid this, so make sure you have the latest build, turn off Mail support in our pref pane and turn it back on again, and you should have the version of the Mail rule that avoids crashing Mail.
Thank you. That worked great. No more mail crashes.

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