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List of items set by a perspective Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The section on perspectives in the documentation lists the items that are set, for the most part, but there are a couple of "by the way, this is also set by perspectives" things in other parts of the documentation, so I thought I'd preserve my notes here from my fresh reading of the documentation, plus some subsequent discoveries.

1. View Mode (Planning or Context)

2. Optional columns included (start date, due date, estimated time)

3. Column width settings (p. 45 of the documentation)

4. Focused items

5. Sidebar items selected

6. View bar settings (grouping, sorting, that sort of thing)

7. Print page size (p. 34 of the documentation)

8. Visibility of sidebar (and perhaps size?)

9. Visibility of view bar

10. Not saved: Window size (i.e., depth)

Are there any other things that are set by a perspective? I'm going to be testing a bit, so I'll add anything I discover. It would be nice if the right-hand column of the Perspectives dialog showed all of these items.

Last edited by Frosty Crunch; 2008-01-26 at 09:04 PM..
I believe it does its best to remember expanded/collapsed state of everything.
Originally Posted by Frosty Crunch View Post
10. Not saved: Window size (i.e., depth)
Isn't the window size preserved, at least if you have the perspective open in a new window? I have some "mini-window" perspectives that always appear in the reduced-size window that I set them up in. Am I misunderstanding? And what do you mean by "depth"?
Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Isn't the window size preserved, at least if you have the perspective open in a new window? I have some "mini-window" perspectives that always appear in the reduced-size window that I set them up in. Am I misunderstanding? And what do you mean by "depth"?
By depth, I meant the tallness of the window, since the wideness is preserved by the column width preservation. I tested an attempt to make a mini window, and window tallness was not preserved, but perhaps I did something wrong ... I'll try to test it again when I have time.
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, preserving window height (or depth, if you prefer) seems to work here. I have a couple of mini-windows that are significantly shorter than my main window, and their size is preserved between app launches.

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