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FAQ: Installing & running an OF applescript Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
(This comes up quite often, so it may be worth having a post to refer to whenever it arises)

OF applescripts can be run from the OF toolbar, from the OF Script menu, or from tools like LaunchBar, Keyboard Maestro, or FastScripts.

Since OmniFocus 1.8 it has been possible to use AppleScript applications as toolbar items (in addition to Automator workflows, and scripts stored in text, compiled, and script bundle format).

To install an applescript to be run from the OF Scripts menu:
  1. Check that the Script menu icon appears on the OS X menu bar
    If it doesn't:
    • OS X 10.6:
      Run the Applescript Editor from the Utilities folder within the Application folder, and ensure that the following settings are checked:
      Applescript Editor > Preferences > General > Show script menu in menu bar
      Applescript Editor > Preferences > General > Show computer scripts
    • OS X 10.5:
      Run the Applescript Utility from the Applescript folder within the Applications folder, and ensure that "Show Script menu in menu bar" is checked
  2. Place the script in the appropriate folder
    • Start OmniFocus
    • Click the Script menu icon in the OS X menu bar
    • Choose Open Scripts Folder/Open OmniFocus Scripts Folder
    • Copy your script into the OmniFocus scripts folder, which should now have opened.
  3. When OmniFocus is running, your script can now be run from the OmniFocus scripts section of the Script menu.

To install an applescript to be run from the OF toolbar:
  1. Place the applescript in the OF scripts folder
    • (see previous section)
  2. Optionally choose an icon for the script
    • Select the .scpt file in the Finder
    • Choose File > Get Info in the Finder menu (or Cmd I)
    • Select the icon in the dialog
    • Copy a simple image into the clipboard from any graphic source
    • Past the image onto the icon in the file Info dialogue.
  3. Get the applescript onto the OF toolbar

    In OmniFocus, choose View>Customize_Toolbar.

    The dialog which appears will now enable you to drag your applescript onto the OF toolbar.

    Close the dialog, and experiment with running your applescript by clicking its icon in the toolbar.

Last edited by RobTrew; 2011-06-17 at 12:49 AM.. Reason: OF 1.8 now supports applescript applications on the toolbar
A way to find the folder for me is to go up to the script icon in the top menubar

pull it down to a folder (do not highlight a file)

For example: I pull down to the 'applications' folder, slide over to the 'OmniFocus' folder

at that point I let go of the mouse and the folder opens

if there wasn't an OmniFocus folder I would let go on applications and then (as you indicated) create one.

this is a great idea ---- an applescript FAQ
Originally Posted by librarymonkey27 View Post
A way to find the folder for me is to go up to the script icon in the top menubar
Yes, me too - I didn't choose that route for the FAQ because the Show script menu in menu bar option will sometimes be un-checked in the Applescript Utility.
In that case, People should go and click that button, if only to have easy access to scripts
Yes - FAQ amended accordingly.
I'm doing something wrong here. I've got my script in the finder scripts menu (no problem). I open the Customize toolbar window as described, but I can't drag any script onto it. I can't drag anything onto . All I can do is access the icons that are there.

What I'm trying to do is put the most excellent "Reveal" Applescript onto the toolbar.

You shouldn't need to drag anything to the customize sheet. If the applescript has been installed into the correct folder, you should see the icon in the sheet.

What you want to do is drag the icon for the script from the sheet and to your OmniFocus toolbar.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
You shouldn't need to drag anything to the customize sheet. If the applescript has been installed into the correct folder, you should see the icon in the sheet.

What you want to do is drag the icon for the script from the sheet and to your OmniFocus toolbar.
Is there an explicit name for the folder or something? I've named the folders simply "OmniFocus" and that is how it appears in the finder script menu.

The folder's path is Users->john(me)->Library->Scripts->Omnifocus

Is that correct?

Originally Posted by JohnJ80 View Post
The folder's path is Users->john(me)->Library->Scripts->Omnifocus



(which can be pasted into the Finder's Go>Go_to_Folder dialog)

Last edited by RobTrew; 2008-04-14 at 02:22 PM..
Work now. Folder is important.


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