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iPhone Purchase of OF Not Showing Up in iTunes Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I purchased OmniFocus for the iPhone directly on the device. When I connected my iPhone into my iTunes to sync, OF curiously didn't appear.

Any solutions to remedy this? If I purchase it directly from iTunes, will I be charged another $20? And will this overwrite my data?

I'm having difficulty syncing back to my desktop version of OF and don't want to lose all of the data I have stored on the iPhone. Is anyone else having troubles with OF iPhone and OF Desktop syncing?
It took me three attempts to successfully back up my purchase of OmniFocus (like you, I bought it directly on the iPhone).

This may be a problem with iTunes, there's a good article up about the iTunes Backup Lottery.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Thanks Joel. I've tried that a number of times and still no instance of OF in my iTunes. I guess I'll just wait for OF 1.1?
I figured it out. In iTunes, go to File, Transfer Purchases from my iPhone.
You also don't really need to backup purchases - every app you buy you can redownload as many times as you need to! :) (Except for things like NetShare that get taken off of the store)

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