Originally Posted by sharpeleven
Yes, I would totally LOVE to be able to hide inactive contexts on the iPhone!!
There is really no point in scrolling through a ton of contexts containing 0 active items when you're on the go.
I would REALLY like this feature as well. Seeing several empty contexts clutters up the screen - especially the ones under erands
I do not find the "nearby" feature helpful for several reasons so that is not a good workaround for me. Some reasons why I don't use it:
- Too much trouble to set up
- I have errand contexts called "pharmacy", "grocery store" and "hardware store" . 99% of the time it doesn't matter if it is wallgreens or CVS, Home Depot or Ace, etc.
- I like to see all the errands that I could run so I can plan a trip, not just the ones nearby at that moment.