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Suggestion: Hide inactive contexts. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just downloaded OmniFocus for the iphone and love it. One quick comment: I'd love to hide inactive contexts from my menu. It clutters up my screen and distracts from my goal when I have to scan to see if a context has any available actions or not.
Make the view bar visible (click on glasses)
Change the context filter to active.
That's for OF on the Mac, not iPhone…
Yes, I would totally LOVE to be able to hide inactive contexts on the iPhone!!

There is really no point in scrolling through a ton of contexts containing 0 active items when you're on the go.
I agree that this would be a nice feature, but have you tried the "Nearby" function? For myself, I find that I will ONLY use the OF iPhone app when I am mobile, and thus unable to access the desktop app. When that is the case, pretty much the only things I need to worry about either have a physical location (and thus their contexts should get edited within the iPhone app to have said location geotagged) or are clearly "iPhone accessible" contexts (and thus should be tagged with the tasty new "Always Nearby" button in the 1.0.2 release of the iPhone app).

Just my $0.02...

Originally Posted by sharpeleven View Post
Yes, I would totally LOVE to be able to hide inactive contexts on the iPhone!!

There is really no point in scrolling through a ton of contexts containing 0 active items when you're on the go.
I would REALLY like this feature as well. Seeing several empty contexts clutters up the screen - especially the ones under erands

I do not find the "nearby" feature helpful for several reasons so that is not a good workaround for me. Some reasons why I don't use it:

- Too much trouble to set up
- I have errand contexts called "pharmacy", "grocery store" and "hardware store" . 99% of the time it doesn't matter if it is wallgreens or CVS, Home Depot or Ace, etc.
- I like to see all the errands that I could run so I can plan a trip, not just the ones nearby at that moment.
Any comment from the Omni guys on when we can expect this? Seems like something that would be fairly easy to implement and would greatly increase the usefulness of the app for a lot of people.
They ought to put up a sticky in each of the forums, titled "why we don't announce our plans in advance" :)

The general scheme seems to be that they sit down with the feature request database, look at what has gotten the most requests, stir in their vision of where the product should go, make a short list of features, work on them until they are happy, then release it. The public gets in on the fun once there is something far enough along to send out as a "sneaky peek" for brave souls to use.

To get a request into the database, use Help->Send Feedback or send email to
I would love to see this feature on OF iPhone, too. Or, instead of hiding inactive contexts, would it be possible to dim/gray them in same way tasks without contexts and empty projects and single-action lists are dimmed/grayed? The ability to hide unavailable tasks and inactive projects has really helped me focus. Please consider adding hiding/dimming to the contexts screen!
Originally Posted by susant View Post
I would love to see this feature on OF iPhone, too. Or, instead of hiding inactive contexts, would it be possible to dim/gray them in same way tasks without contexts and empty projects and single-action lists are dimmed/grayed? The ability to hide unavailable tasks and inactive projects has really helped me focus. Please consider adding hiding/dimming to the contexts screen!
I have several contexts under errands (e.g. Harware Store, Grocery Store, etc) and for me, dimming them out does not solve the problem of creating clutter when I want to see what errands I need to run while on the go.

So I would not vote for this implementation unless there was a way to completely hide them as well.


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