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Projects costs along time Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Here is a script to make monetary balance control over the whole project. It will tell you if your project is positive or negative along the time on whatever date you want.

what if you wanna now the balance of your project at a particular time. ( say will I be positive on the 15 of may? ) Here is a simple way to handle the question: I've done a script to help me know my project balance at anytime during it ( see attachment )

this is a beta script - please create a "costSums" custom data for one task of your project before running it ( the absence of it won't crash OP but will display nasty alerts

I got a CostSummer ( aka CS ) milestone created in my project. ( if it's not here the script will create it )

where ever I move the CS milestone in my project gantt chart I just have to press the "OPTimeCost" script button in my tool bar to have the milestone reflect the economic of my project at the milestone exact time.

put the unzipped script file in your /library/Scripts/Applications/Omniplan folder of your account to get it available as a tool for your task bar

The script add all the costs of all the task wich ended before my CS milestone and publish the result in the "costSums" custom data entry of the milestone. the gantt chart is set to show "costSums" on the graph for milestones

please have a look to this graphic

see the following examples:

At the start of the project I got an income of 800.
All is well

next income is planned on may the eleven.

I will end the project well, 400 will remain on my account.

BUT if I look to the April month period I have time of negative values on my account!

So I will have to find a solution ( other income, advancing my second income date, endure the phone calls of the bank...)

I think such a tool could be usefull. Would you be so kind to comment?
Attached Files
File Type: zip (3.8 KB, 994 views)

Last edited by mattao; 2011-01-31 at 08:57 AM.. Reason: ( better short description )
I'd like to know:
  1. how to create a NEW custom data entry through applescript.
  2. how to change a milestone color from applescript
  3. how to move my milestone to the top position or another of the gantt chart

I'd like to add:
  • a better sum of the results ( to compute the cost of a task during his execution ) the script handle only ended tasks cost for now
  • create sub milestones ( one for each day, week, month... set by a dialog in the script ) with colors for positive or negative situations
  • a way to graph the results at the bottom of OP main window...
We have an internal script that needs a couple similar capabilities. Here's what I recall:

1. tell aTask to make new custom data entry with properties {name:"costSums", value:800}

2. you can't set a color directly, but you can add and remove styles:
repeat with aStyle in t's style's named styles
remove aStyle from t's style's named styles
end repeat

if exists named style costSum of aPlan then
add (named style costSum of aPlan) to t's style's named styles
end if

3. Hmmm... we didn't have to do that.
will try it ASAP.

Thanks Lizard
thanks to your help I succeed in correcting step 1.
No more missing custom Data entry.

you will find there the corrected script.

But I still can't understand the style creation, remove and change color values..

Could you be more explicit Lizard?
Attached Files
File Type: zip OPTimeCost.scpt (4.2 KB, 958 views)
You would still need to set up the style manually in your OmniPlan document. In the Project: Styles inspector, click the + button in the lower left to add a named style and then customize it to match your styling. Maybe you want black for when the budget is positive and red for when it's negative? So make a style each for 'Positive Budget' and 'Negative Budget'.

Then in your script, you would add and remove styles from the budget items as in the code I included above.
There might also be a way to create a new named style via AppleScript, but I'm not sure.
i'll try this


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