I'd like to view a project with the tasks sorted by Start Date (in ascending order). When adding tasks to an exist project with existing tasks, the tasks just added are at the end of the project rather than getting inserted in proper order based on their Start Date.
I'm in Planning Mode with the following View settings: Ungrouped, sort by Start Date, Remaining, Any Duration and get the following ...
Start Date
Task 1 12/21/07
Task 2 12/26/07
Task 3 3/3/08
Task 4 2/1/08
... where Task 4 was the task just entered.
I'm in Planning Mode with the following View settings: Ungrouped, sort by Start Date, Remaining, Any Duration and get the following ...
Start Date
Task 1 12/21/07
Task 2 12/26/07
Task 3 3/3/08
Task 4 2/1/08
... where Task 4 was the task just entered.
Last edited by Brian; 2008-01-10 at 04:50 PM.. Reason: fixed a typo in subject