View Full Version : Atomic Web Browser (Javascript)

2011-07-18, 03:40 AM
I'm a big fan of Atomic Web Browser (http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/atomic-web-browser-browse/id347929410?mt=8) for iDevices and have just received a request from another Member for the Javascript that adds the Send to OmniFocus (StOF) function as a bookmark to the Atomic App.

I'm certain (unless this is a complete senior moment) that I've already posted this on the Board but having done a quick search, I can't locate it. So sincere apologies if this is repetition (and no, I'm not involved with Atomic except as a very contented end user!).

Send to OmniFocus

If you find it annoying that urls in other Apps such as Mail open in Safari then you can add this bookmark to Safari which will then open the same url in Atomic.

Send to Atomic

If you use Instapaper or Read It Later, then the following might also be of use.

Send to Instapaper
javascript:function iprl5(){var d=document,z=d.createElement('scr'+'ipt'),b=d.body ,l=d.location;try{if(!b)throw(0);d.title='(Saving. ..) '+d.title;z.setAttribute('src',l.protocol+'//www.instapaper.com/j/42fJSseRKuCZ?u='+encodeURIComponent(l.href)+'&t='+(new Date().getTime()));b.appendChild(z);}catch(e){aler t('Please wait until the page has loaded.');}}iprl5();void(0)

Send to Read It Later
javascript:(function(){ISRIL_H='0aad';ISRIL_SCRIPT =document.createElement('SCRIPT');ISRIL_SCRIPT.typ e='text/javascript';ISRIL_SCRIPT.src='http://readitlaterlist.com/b/r.js';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(ISRIL_SCRIPT)})();/*INSTALLED*/

My thanks to Richard Trautvetter (http://atomicwebbrowser.com/) (Atomic's developer) who shows unending patience with my requests for scripts linking Atomic to other Apps!

I hope the above is helpful.