View Full Version : How can I view all in-progress TODOs?

2012-05-11, 04:08 PM
If I had a todo which "started" yesterday but "ends" a couple weeks from now, which view would it be available in? It's not in the forecast view and it's too much to scroll to see when that task would be due (aside from going to the project's page). Is there one view where I can view all of my open tasks in progress?

I'm not sure if there's a perspective which can be used to display this, but I only have OmniFocus for the iPhone and I'd like to have a way to view all tasks I'm supposed to be working on now.

2012-05-11, 04:26 PM
It's worth noting that a start date isn't necessarily the date you start working on something; OmniFocus treats it as the date you can start working on something.

There are a couple of options that come to mind:

Every night before midnight strikes, go to Forecast view and bump up the start date for any actions starting today that you won't finish today. A bit tedious if there are lots of them.

Call up the Omni support ninjas and have them construct a start date perspective for you and sync it to your iPhone.

While you have the support ninjas on the phone, ask them to put in a vote to have items which started in the past be available from Forecast view, similarly to how items which were due in the past are.