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steffanstringer 2010-02-05 10:49 AM

Hyperlinks persisting in .pdf of .graffle

I think the answer to this is 'no' as I can't get it to work, but once I have associated a hyperlink to an object is there a way to get the link to persist (be 'alive' and clickable) in a pdf made from the .graffle?

The guys over at [URL=""][/URL] have managed to do it with Timeline :^)



Joel 2010-02-05 12:35 PM

The answer is yes, in OmniGraffle 5. You will need to export to PDF as opposed to printing to PDF, but at least in links that jump to other canvases as well as linking to URLs work fine.

steffanstringer 2010-02-06 12:34 AM

[QUOTE=Joel;72754]The answer is yes, in OmniGraffle 5. You will need to export to PDF as opposed to printing to PDF, but at least in links that jump to other canvases as well as linking to URLs work fine.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Joel, sorry to have troubled you. I subsequently tried 'exporting' rather than 'printing' a pdf and it works beautifully.



harrylr 2012-01-24 08:26 AM

I've looked at options in OmniGraffle 5, and cannot find one that suites my requirements:

Can a "relative website link (../page.html)" be created or edited in OmniGraffle Pro 5, so that it successfully exports and retains its hyperlink attributes?

My requirement is that the exported PDF file also retain the relative linkage.

Thank you,

Naphty 2012-06-22 04:23 AM

Issues of hyperlinking on PDF file
Hello everyone,

I might have missed something on the forum about hyperlinks.
Here is my issue with Omnigraffle 5.4

One of my customer wishes to put hyperlinks on objects on a PDF file. To do so, I followed the action/open URL process to put hyperlinks on object.

However, when I export the file into a PDF (using the export options) and open the file, the link doesn't work, displaying a message such as:

"This program try to access the site
file://localhost/etc..." Even if I allow nthe action nothing is happening.

Did someone had the same problem and how do you manage to solve it?

mac01 2012-06-27 03:41 AM

I'm having the same problem whilst exporting a pdf and linking to pdfs. It opens my web browser and searches for file://localhost/etc...

I have partially solved this by reseting the link to "does nothing" and then re-linking and exporting. However the next time I save and export the link is broken.

I have tried varying where I save files ie making sure they're all in the same folder or not, and saving over the old file or creating a new version but can't work it out. I presume it just can't locate the correct file?

Thanks for any help in advance.

mac01 2012-07-04 02:21 AM

I've been trying the "jumps elsewhere" action. So rather than linking to the pdf externally it's switches to the next canvas or a specific canvas. Then when I export the document as a pdf or html format it still won't link correctly.

Ken Case 2012-07-04 09:25 AM

Sounds like you're running into a new issue which appeared in OmniGraffle 5.4: we made a lot of changes with the move to 64-bit, and accidentally broke PDF export of actions.

These issues have been fixed for the [URL=""]OmniGraffle 5.4.1 beta[/URL]:

[QUOTE]Fixed a regression where actions to open URLs were not exporting properly to PDF.

Fixed a regression when using actions to jump elsewhere in the document and then exporting to PDF.[/QUOTE]

jsola 2012-08-15 07:13 AM

Hi. I have Omnigraffle 5.4.1, both standard and Pro. I can't get hyperlinks to work when files are exported to PDF. The error message is "Can't open link “file://localhost/../Components/ESBE/VZA_VZB_GB_99501362_A_LR.pdf” [...]"

Reading this thread it seems that I should be having no problems, so I am surprised. I have not been able to find the 5.4.1 beta release, so I wonder if the 5.4.1 release is not enough. In the release notes of 5.4.1, however, it is noted that the bug has been fixed, "Fixed a regression where actions to open URLs were not exporting properly to PDF."

I have a Mid 2007 Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook.

Thanks for help!


jsola 2012-08-15 11:17 AM

I have a Mid 2007 Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook.
Just in case it is relevant for the last post above: I am running Lion 10.7.4.

Thx -- Joan

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