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Originally Posted by kenficara View Post

Every other iPad app I use regularly (Notebook, your competitor, for whose iPad application I happily paid $30; GoodReader; iaWriter; all my recording apps) introduced support for both of these a long time ago. So please don't ask us to believe that it's some deficiency in iCloud, or your concern for our security, that is preventing you from introducing these features.
I use Notebook too. Its sync to Dropbox is very useful (and is a main reason why I use it in preference to OO, although there are others), but is a very partial implementation. If you edit a notebook at either end (Mac or iPad), you have to sync *before* editing at the other end. If you don't, you have to choose which copy to keep. It's less like syncing than like document sharing. I've had issues with the process, although I've now got a workflow that seems to get around them.

Admittedly, even that limited functionality would be a step in the right direction for OO, but I can already hear the objections if that's all we got.

As for the other apps you mentioned, they work entirely at the single document level - the whole point with OO (and Notebook) is that they use the bundle model, which is, essentially, a folder of many documents, managed as a single entity. That's a very different problem from the relatievly simple Dropbox/single doc model of checking which is the most recent version. As an example - if Notebook sync detects that *any one* of the individual elemnts might have changed, it throws an error asking you to choose which notebook (i.e. folder) to keep.

Cultured Code (Things) have only just got syncing working, after years of promises. This is obviously not as easy as we'd like.

I do believe that if Omni don't solve this problem, their long term future is bleak - syncing is becoming more and more essential.

And as someone else says - if you worry about security of 3rd party cloud solutions, set up your own. Can't have syncing without the cloud