Originally Posted by Butterfly
When you created your baptismal gown project, were you able to create real sub-projects? If so, how do you do it? All I have been able to enter under a project are actions and sub-actions. When I try to indent a project it becomes an action. I'd like to be able to break a project into sub-projects too in order to be able to have both sequential and parallel aspects of the task. School classes would lend themselves to this. Last quarter I had classes with several major assignments going simultaneously. |
I do not have real sub-projects, but I called them subprojects in my description because that's what they are, with or without OF supporting them.
The way I see the containers breaking down is thus:
A Project or a subproject can contain other projects, task groups, and individual tasks in mixture, or just individual tasks that are sequential.
A Task Group contains just individual tasks that are parallel.